
Hidden Creek is excited to introduce to market the Tamalitsa™ pig, originally descended from Hungarian Mangalitsa and American Tamworth stock.
Tamalitsa™ meat is rich, succulent, and exquisitely flavored. As with all of our livestock, Tamalitsas™ pigs are raised soy-free on regenerative pastures. We never use hormones or antibiotics in either our breeding or harvest programs.
TESTIMONIAL from Ron T., pitmaster extraordinaire of bbq & smoked meats in Warrenton, VA:
"I will be purchasing all my whole hogs from you. It was very high quality meat."
How can you purchase our Tamalitsa™ products?
Retail stores like Farm & Feed in Upperville, VA (9183 John S Mosby Highway, Upperville, VA 20184)
Caterers and Boutique outlets like The Market at Bluewater Kitchen, (9036 John S Mosby Highway, Upperville VA 20184)
special order only, whole and half pigs
At local Farmers' Markets, locations TBD in late March
Our specialty Meat Boxes - order under CSA FarmShare Tab
On-Farm at Hidden Creek Farm - contact Andrea at 703-828-5801 or customercare@hiddencreekfarmllc.com
On-Farm Whole and Half animals (limited availability). Please link to our description and price list for whole and half animals HERE:
Interested in why our pigs are no longer Certified Organic? Click HERE to find out more.
Please contact us at info@hiddencreekfarmllc.com or 703-828-5801 for more information on prices and availability.