Heritage Eggs For Sale

People come from miles around to purchase our heritage eggs with their deep orange yolks, incredible flavor, and amazing variety of colors. Each customer seems to have their favorites: Some tell us the green and blue eggs are extra-ordinarily creamy and light. Others are thrilled to delight their family and friends with Easter Eggs every day of the year. Yet others are drawn to the health stats of our eggs. As one customer put it: "I never thought I could eat eggs again because of my health issues. I'm so happy to have found your beautiful eggs!" Thank you, Anna K.! We love knowing that we have brought the joy of eating eggs back to you!
Mother Earth News in 2007 conducted a study on pasture-raised vs conventional eggs. Pasture raised eggs had almost 4 times more Vitamin E, more than 1.5 times more Vitamin A, nearly 8 times more Beta Carotene, 3 times more Omega 3, 53% times less cholesterol, and 29% less saturated fat than conventional eggs. In addition, the April 2014 edition of Nutrition found that chickens that free roam in sunny pastures have 3 to 4 times the amount of Vitamin D then eggs from hens raised indoors, whether caged or cage-free.
These data mean a lot to our Team as health conscious product is front and center to our production philosophy.